Main purpose

WebDriver Overload is a set of libraries to support automation engineers when applying Simple Methodology. It can be used out of the box or customized with your own implementation.

WebDriver Overload pagckage provides facilities to


WebDriver & Options providers


A simple WebDriver provider for chrome (default) and firefox supporting local and grid.

For local WebDrivers [static WebDriver get(String browser, Path driverPath, String optionsAsYamlResource)] the parameters are

For selenium grid [static WebDriver get(String browser, URL seleniumServer, String optionsAsYamlResource)] the parameters are


The static get function returns a ChromeOptions object based on options given in parameter.

ChromeOptionsProvider supports binary location, arguments, capabilities and extensions.


The static get function returns a ChromeOptions object based on options given in parameter.

FirefoxOptionsProvider supports binary location, arguments, capabilities, preferences and profile preferences and extensions.

Available configuration

Custom configuration

You can provide your own configuration (ex : 'my_chrome_options'). Just copy/paste one of the existing configuration and update it as you wish. To get a driver with your configuration, use WebDriver.get("chrome", "C:/dev_tools/webdriver/chromedriver.exe", "my_chrome_options.yml").

Report test details

We believe the reporting is one of the key success factor for test automation.

There are two types of test details, everything from ghekin and the rest. There are several cucumber reporters available and we recommend to use your favorite reporter for all information at gherkin level. By reporting test details we mean showing additionnal usefull data about what is happening within a bdd step. Basically it is about test steps, test data, test evidence and screenshots. all these information is in addition to the standard cucumber reporters.

WebDriver Overload commes with an abstract layer of the reporting to define common reporting functions as well as a reporting implementation.

The Reporter, an abstract layer

The Reporter is an Interface object including default behaviour.

Errors book

This list of errors allow to log deviation while executing the tests without throwing exception and stopping the test.

Available functions are :

Errors are added to the book using the reportError() functions.


Here under kind of reporting capabilities. Implemention will depends on the selected reporter.

Reporter implementations

SystemOutReporter, usefull logger

This reporter will report your desired information in the system out console. It can print every kind of data like test steps, test data, deviations, error book. There is nothing about printscreens.

Concrete implementation in ohrm-tests github repository, branch 'cucumber-systemout'.

SerenityReporter, all in one reporter

Serenity reporter includes everything you need ... and much more. In addition to standard gherkin information Serenity reporter provides capabilities to add step informations, step data, screenshots, tags, requirements, capabilities, ...

Concrete implementation in ohrm-tests github repository, branch 'main'.

Perform (none blocking) checks

Checks and none blocking checks?

Unit test best practices says we should check only one thing per test. Despite this is a good best practice in unit testing, is it a good best practice for higher levels like UI or end-to-end automated test? ... If we are talking about test objectif, the answer should definitively yes, one test has a unique test objective. Now if we think about checks the answer may be different. Lets take the case were the test objective is to verify that a user can create an account. To do that, the user will navigate throught few pages andthe tester want to check if the user can create an account and use these opportunity to check the title of the account creation page. The question is, is it efficient to write 2 test cases, one to check the title of the page and one to check the account creation?

At simple4tests we think it is convenient, in this case, to write one test to check the account creation within which we check the title of the page. One of the conditions to apply this kind of rules is to have a simple and clean way of reporting what happens in the test. It is why, checks and reporting are related concept in webdriver-overload package. In practice Webdriver-Overload provide checks functions through the Reporter object. Details on reporting can be found a little lower.

How checks are performed using webDriver-Overload

Checks are made of 3 information, the name of the check, the actual value, and the expected value or expression.

It consists of the following steps

Checks using Java Hamcrest Matchers

reporter.assertThat("Check page title", Automaton.getPageTitle(), Matchers.equalTo("Account creation"));

This function allow to describe expected value as Hamcrest Matchers expression.

Some exemples

Hamcrest Matchers support String, Integer, List, Object, ... A lot of documentation si available on internet.

Checks using Groovy Hamcrest Matchers

reporter.groovyAssertThat("Check page title", Automaton.getPageTitle(), "equalTo('Account creation')");

This function allow to describe expected value as Hamcrest Matchers expression. The difference is, in this way the description is not a java function but a litteral. We can now describe checks on external files as String.

To achieve it WebDriver Overload uses a groovy engine to evaluate the expression using 'assertThat' command.

Checks using Groovy power assertions

reporter.groovyAssert("Check page title", String.format("'%s'.equals('Account creation')", Automaton.getPageTitle()));

This function allow to describe any groovy assert expression. Previously we used an object and an expression to compared with. Now we use a sinple expression.

To achieve it WebDriver Overload uses a groovy engine to evaluate the expression using 'assert' command.

Integrate with other frameworks

Serenity BDD

We choose to provide the necessary tools to integrate with serenity-bdd because we found its reporter very complete.

The integration is about

Concrete implementation in ohrm-tests github repository, branch 'main'.